A lot has been happening at the Mangawhai Opportunity Factory over the last couple of months with some well loved members leaving and in turn welcoming in some wonderful replacements.

First off our vivacious manager Lyndsey sold her home late last year to make the shift to another coastal location so sadly said adieu and we got to farewell her at the annual Christmas get together. Leah, our other ever positive co-manager, has also made the decision to head down a new path. Life brings changes and with that we have welcomed Mandy Hebben as the full-time manager. Mandy and her husband Clive are new to the area and keen to get to know the community. We have also welcomed Vicki Cagan and Deb Doehn, as shop floor supervisors, to work in conjunction with our current, wonderful, shop floor supervisor Clara, and fabulous volunteers who keep the place running.

With the New Year the team put in some extra time and energy to refresh the Factory and the new layout is very welcoming and easy to view all those fantastic items people keep kindly donating. Good quality items are always welcome and with Mandy and Vicki on board they have said please bring in your goods and say hi at the same time. If you are unsure if your items are suitable, give the Factory a call first – 09 431-3098.

Another fond farewell has been to Roger Hill who has played a critical part in setting up the initial processes for the trust along with chairing the board. We are ever grateful for the input from these people who are now heading off to do new things yet leaving the Factory in good stead. This is certainly apparent with the Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) having given back just over $200,000 to a range of local community not-for-profit groups in its first two years.

The board of trustees is made up of Margie Murray, Reade Murray, Dianne Christensen, David McLeish, Peggyann Colville and Sue Clayton, welcoming Vern Dark as the new Chair.

Keep an eye out for notice of the next round of grant applications coming up in the next month if your community group needs assistance. If you are looking for great buys then follow us on Facebook – Mangawhai Opportunity Factory - for weekly highlights or pop into the shop – 5 Wood Street, open 7 days a week.

Vern, new chairman (left) and Roger, outgoing chair (right)

Vern, new chairman (left) and Roger, outgoing chair (right)

Left to Right: Clara, Leah and Lyndsey

Left to Right: Clara, Leah and Lyndsey

Welcome to Mandy (left) and Vicki (right)

Welcome to Mandy (left) and Vicki (right)

Sue Clayton

“The Factory” is a charity shop that exists to help other organisations achieve what they’re trying to achieve... to have a fund that people in Mangawhai community can donate to as well as apply for funding from.


