Donate Goods


We’re incredibly grateful for your donations and we do our best to take them all. If in doubt please call The Factory and a member of the team can advise you. At times we become overloaded and are limited spatially, and need to pause.

Donating incomplete or broken items that are unsaleable means we are responsible for its safe disposal, the cost of which reduces vitally needed funds for our community.

We promise to share your generosity across Mangawhai. If it has a value, we will do our best to realise its potential.

We reuse or recycle as much as possible. We work with recyclers and local organisations such as Sustainable Kaipara to ensure as little as possible ends up in landfill.

Please bring your donations to the back door, and we respectfully request that you give one of us a call out before leaving your goods.

Our van “Vanessa” is available for pick-ups of large donations, and for a small fee we can also deliver within the local area.

Call us on 09 4313098 to arrange a pick-up.


What do we accept?

We will accept pretty much everything within reason…except for non-flat screen television sets, computer hard drives, white goods (e.g. fridges, cookers, freezers), printers, and electric blankets.

We do not accept damaged, dirty or incomplete goods. If it’s not good enough for your Mum - we ask that you consider whether it’s good enough to sell at The Factory.

We only sell electrical items that have been tested and meet legal safety requirements. Items can be donated and we will test them prior to sale.

If you are not sure, or have large items, please contact us on 09 4313098 or email for advice.