Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


We are delighted to announce 8 more grants totaling almost $28,000 benefiting local not-for-profit groups working within our community. THANK YOU Mangawhai residents, holiday makers and visitors for your continued support! Due to your quality donations to, and shopping at, your own Opportunity Factory, the Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) has provided a total of 100 grants exceeding $300,800 in the last three years to 44 community groups and individuals

The recipients are:

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


THANK YOU Mangawhai residents, holiday makers and visitors!

14 more grants totalling over $40,000 have just been granted to local not-for-profit groups for the benefit of the community.

And the recipients are………

Due to your kind quality donations, online and in-store shopping at the Mangawhai Opportunity Factory, the Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) has provided a total of 91 grants exceeding $278,800 in the last three years to community groups.

Monday-Saturday 9-4pm and Sunday 10-2:30pm.

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


The Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) is thrilled to announce its 5th round of Grants, with 14 groups receiving just over $28,300. Thank you SO MUCH to the community over these unusual times for continuing to donate and shop at the Factory allowing us to give grants to support not for profit groups providing social benefits to our community.

Also a very big SHOUT OUT to our volunteers, many of whom are in the older age group and continue to give of their time to The Factory. We love your commitment - whether sorting goods, pricing, assisting in the shop, driving the van or creating displays. Thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

To-date MCOST has provided 77 grants totalling over $237,000 and with your help we can continue to do this. We appreciate thoughtful donations of clean and saleable goods (please remember it costs us money to dispose of non-saleable goods). If you have large items we can arrange for these to be collected.

Grants have been paid to:

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


A lot has been happening at the Mangawhai Opportunity Factory over the last couple of months with some well loved members leaving and in turn welcoming in some wonderful replacements.

First off our vivacious manager Lyndsey sold her home late last year to make the shift to another coastal location so sadly said adieu and we got to farewell her at the annual Christmas get together. Leah, our other ever positive co-manager, has also made the decision to head down a new path. Life brings changes and with that we have welcomed Mandy Hebben as the full-time manager. Mandy and her husband Clive are new to the area and keen to get to know the community. We have also welcomed Vicki Cagan and Deb Doehn, as shop floor supervisors, to work in conjunction with our current, wonderful, shop floor supervisor Clara, and fabulous volunteers who keep the place running.

With the New Year the team put in some extra time and energy to refresh the Factory and the new layout is very welcoming and easy to view all those fantastic items people keep kindly donating. Good quality items are always welcome and with Mandy and Vicki on board they have said please bring in your goods and say hi at the same time. If you are unsure if your items are suitable, give the Factory a call first – 09 431-3098.

Another fond farewell has been to Roger Hill who has played a critical part in setting up the initial processes for the trust along with chairing the board. We are ever grateful for the input from these people who are now heading off to do new things yet leaving the Factory in good stead. This is certainly apparent with the Mangawhai Community Opportunity Shop Trust (MCOST) having given back just over $200,000 to a range of local community not-for-profit groups in its first two years.

The board of trustees is made up of Margie Murray, Reade Murray, Dianne Christensen, David McLeish, Peggyann Colville and Sue Clayton, welcoming Vern Dark as the new Chair.

Keep an eye out for notice of the next round of grant applications coming up in the next month if your community group needs assistance. If you are looking for great buys then follow us on Facebook – Mangawhai Opportunity Factory - for weekly highlights or pop into the shop – 5 Wood Street, open 7 days a week.

Vern, new chairman (left) and Roger, outgoing chair (right)

Vern, new chairman (left) and Roger, outgoing chair (right)

Left to Right: Clara, Leah and Lyndsey

Left to Right: Clara, Leah and Lyndsey

Welcome to Mandy (left) and Vicki (right)

Welcome to Mandy (left) and Vicki (right)

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


We are delighted to announce another 15 grants to local community groups providing just over $46,000. Within our first 2 years we have distributed just over $200,000  These grants go to assist local not-for-profit groups offering a social benefit to the local community. All brought about through the overwhelming support from the people of Mangawhai in providing product donations and our team of caring local volunteers who work in and for The Opportunity Factory.

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton


We are delighted to announce another 20 grants to local community groups of a total of just over $60,000. Within our first 18 months we have distributed just over $160,000!!  These grants go to a wide range of groups for a variety of needs and we want to thank the community, as it is quality donations to The Opportunity Factory that create the ability to provide the funds.

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Sue Clayton Sue Clayton

Summer Update

A big thank you for all the donations over the past two years which has enabled us to grant over $200,000 to 60 community groups!! 

Our summer hours are:

Monday to Saturday 9am – 4pm

NOW open Sunday 10am - 4pm

Closed December 25 & 26 and January 1 & 2

We now have a new van “Vanessa” - look out for her, she'll be sign written soon!

Courtesy for large donation pick-ups.

Deliveries $25 local area, price on request for others.

NEW GOODS IN - Bric-a-brac, clothing, sporting gear, toys, tools, art and the usual great finds.

We also have electrical, summer furniture plus new un-used pillows to freshen the bach.

Quality donations are always welcome - nothing beats a clear out before relaxing into summer.

Pop in and see our ever-changing offering.

Merry Christmas from the volunteers, managers and trustees!

We look forward to seeing you in The Factory over summer.

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